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Crazy Status
Definition of human being: a creature that cuts trees, makes paper & write "SAVE TREES" on the same paper.Dear MATH, stop asking to find your X, she's not coming back.
Dear Google, thank you for doing most of my homework for me. :)
Dear Google, Please stop behaving like a GIRL. Will u please allow me to complete the whole sentence before you start guessing & suggesting.
Dear Food, Either stop being so delicious or stop making me fat :)
Cell phones these days keep getting thinner and smarter... people the opposite.
Caution, Blind Man Driving.
Boys will be boys as long as there are no girls in the picture.
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
BRB = I don't want to talk to you. LOL = I have nothing else to say. Cool = I don't care.
Admit it, you listen to other strangers conversations and mentally give your opinion.
80% of boys have girlfriends.. Rest 20% are having brain.
vI am not addicted to Facebook. I only use it when I have time ... ... ... lunch time, break time, bed time, this time, that time, any time, all the time. :)
You can never really say what's on your mind, when your family is on Facebook.
You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.
When people don't laugh at my jokes I just assume that they're not up to my level of comedy.
When I eventually met Mr. Right I had no idea that his first name was Always!
What i if told you...you the read first line wrong... same with the second... :p
What do girls want? EVERYTHING!!!
We live in WTF generation - Wikipedia, twitter, facebook
Warning, do you think its right time to talk to me?
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.
Touch it gently, put two fingers inside, if it's wide use three fingers, make sure it's wet and rub up and down. Yep that's how you wash a cup.
The human brain is amazing. It functions 24 hours a day from the time we were born, and only stops when we take exam or are in love.
Sorry... I'm not Rihanna. I don't love the way you lie.
Sometimes its better to bunk the class instead of attending it Cause today wen I look back, my marks never make me laugh but memories d...
Some people have relationships and some people have patiyala.
Silence is the best answer of all questions and Smile is the best reaction in all situations. Unfortunately both never help in VIVA & INTERVIEW.
Boys think of girls like books, if the cover doesn't catch their eyes, they won't even bother to read what's inside.
Bitch is just a term used for girl who refuses dog's proposal. :P
Behind every successful man... There is a confused woman.
Be careful of following the masses - remove the "m" and who exactly are you following?
After getting drunk, Bachelor of Technology turns into Master of Philosophy.
A man asks a trainer in the gym: "I want 2 impress that beautiful girl , which machine can I use?" Trainer replies: "Use the ATM"
"There's no such thing as addiction, there's only things that you enjoy doing more than life." – Doug Stanhope
"Onions make me sad. A lot of people don't realize that." – Mitch Hedberg