Here we have compiled some of the best girls boys status for whatsapp, Facebook. We are you different from various other ladies? And also desire show your attitude to others then maintain your whats app standing and Facebook status by showing the get girl status for whatsapp the mindset as well as ego via whatsapp status as well as upgrading Facebook as well as make them really feel envious by your attitude status on Facebook as well as whats app and send girly messages to your buddies as well as be honored by keeping these ladies attitude shown by Facebook condition as well as whats application status.Hope you ladies like the female whatsapp status.
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Girls Boys Status |
Girls Boys Status
5 Things A Girl Could Not Live Wihout: 1. Make-up 2. Cell phone 3. Her purse 4. The mall 5. Her best friends.A GIRL is the most beautiful part of Gods creation.
A boy makes his girl jealous of other woman. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.
A boy will never forget the girl he couldn't have. A girl will never forget the boy she should have had.
A girl doesn't need to tell you how she feels. Its written all over the way she behaves when you are around.
A girl will not admit she's wrong because she believes her heart and her heart says she's right.
A real girl is not perfect and a perfect girl is not real.
A true lady doesn't demand, She thanks and true man doesn't promise, He commit's.
A woman brought you into this world. Therefore you have no right to disrespect one.
Behind every untrusting girl, Is a boy who lied, cheated, Broke his promises to her.
Boys are great, Every girl should have one.
Boys are just like bubble gum: Sweet in the beginning but dull at the end.
Boys are like busses, you wait for one for ages, then suddenly 3 come at the same time...
Boys are like songs: Some of them you like and listen to all the time, but there is that one you just can't get out of your head.
Boys never realize how much one little thing can hurt a girl.
Boys think of girls like books. If the cover does not catch their eyes, They won't bother to read whats inside.
Boys, if you pay more attention to the words of every girl's favourite songs, you'll find out everything she's too afraid to say.
Dear Boys I have sent you a "Friend Request" Not a "Marriage Proposal" so kindly stop over acting :p
Dear boyfriend, Your wallet was getting fat so I thought I`d take it out for some exercise. Sincerely, Girlfriend.
Dear boys, Please suprise us and text us first? Love every girl.
Dear guys,We love 3dloveland when you share your feelings, it doesn't make you any less of a man, it just makes you more adorable.
Don't be a woman that needs a man .... Be a woman a man needs.
Don't cry over a guy, Let a guy cry over you. Bcz girls status for boys give and forgive but boys get and forget.
Every girl deserves a guy who will say, "I can't imagine my life without you".
Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess.
Every girl is an angel. Don't waste time in selecting unique. Instead spend time in understanding them.
Every problem comes with a solution. If it doesn't have any solution, it's a ...........Girl
Fellas: The most precious gift you can give a girl is the gift of your time and attention.
Wait for the boy who will do anything to be your everything.
When guys get jealous, it's kinda cute. When girls get jealous, World War III is about to start.
Why do girls run away from people that make them happy and stay with the ones who don't.......
With women the heart argues, Not the mind.
Women are like stars, there are millions of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true.
Women are meant to be loved, Not to be understood.
Women worry about the things that men forget. Men worry about the things that women remember.
You will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just like me.
Check Below
Below we collected some amazing status about girl whats app status and Facebook status. Share on whats app, Facebook and even sms messages. Send them to your girls quotes for whatsapp friends and also Facebook.Make them as your status updates and funny status for girls enjoy the Facebook status and even whats app