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God Status
It's not what God can do for you but what you can do for God.Jesus is my homeboy.
Let's chant for greater cause – Global peace and happiness.
Life has many choices, eternity has two.
Life is short. Pray hard.
Life revolves around hope.
Little seeds of love can make a big garden.
Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you.
Love thyself to love God.
Meditate to listen God.
Never waste your today for yesterday.
Next time you think you are perfect... Try walking on water.
No God No Peace.. Know God Know Peace
No pain can affect a spiritually uplifted person.
Not seeing air doesn't keep me from breathing. Not seeing Jesus doesn't keep me from believing.
Nothing can make us spiritual, we have to grow from inside, our soul is the best teacher.
Now I wake up, get all pretty and dressed. Brush my teeth, look my best. So I can go to church, and praise his name. I guess your not at church, what a shame. But say a prayer to the sky and He'll forgive you He is a nice guy.
Our gift from God is who we are. Our gift to God is what we become.
Prayer in the good time works as fixed deposit.
Prayer should be gratitude not asking for something.
Prayers and chanting abolish the toxic elements of life.
Sorry I don't have time to talk to you right now because I am currently chatting with God.
Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!
Suffering and undergoing hardship for the sake others is the sign of a great soul.
Take care of your character, your reputation will be automatically taken care of.
Temple, Church, Mosque, Gurudwara are the different addresses of the same resident.
Thank you God for pouring your blessings every moment.
The creator of the earth cannot be seen, he needs to be felt.
The most important thing in life is happiness & cannot be bought.
Think good, our thought shapes us.
This angel has flown away to church.
To get the pleasure of dawn we have to pass through the dark night.
To let go is the sign of a strong people.
Ultimate solace can be found only in praying God.
Warning: In case of rapture, this computer will be unattended.
We should light self knowledge not just lamps.
Wear new values, not just clothes.
When you are spiritually uplifted, you can face the difficulties of life smilingly.
While praying we should pray not sing.
1 cross + 3 nails = 4given