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My heart told me it's definitely you !No fake people required when I have some real ones in my life !
Relations are not exams so why cheat ? :(
Relationship Status: Your message was successfully sent... and ignored!
Relationships would be easier if people came with a CLEAR HISTORY button.
Relax we're all crazy it's not a competition !
Rules are n't followed by me, i make themselves for ME !
Salary is the SI unit of "Aukaat" in India -_-
Save water drink beer.
See you in another life ;)
Silence is a girls loudest cry ! :'(
So glad to know that you're having fun, especially without me.
Some people make me wish I had more middle fingers :-/
Sometimes it feels like music is my only friend.
Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever !
Status is coming soon :D
Take it easy - But take it !
While you're ignoring Me, someone else is begging for My attention.
Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it.
With women the heart argues, not the mind.
You're much happier when you just don't give a f*ck.
love is being stupid together :-)
89. Respecting a women is the best way to tell her how beautiful she is…
Admit it, you are not the same person you were a year ago.
After Monday and Tuesday, even calendar says W T F...
An apple in a day keeps anyone away, If you through it hard.
Attitude is like underwear Don't show it just wore it !
Be a good person in life, but be bad on the bed. ;)
Be yourself! You're not born to impress any one..
Beautiful face, Beautiful body, Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.
Beauty Fades After Time, But Personality Is Forever!
Come in my Heart and pay no rent.
Don't TRUST too much , don't LOVE too much , don't CARE too much because that ' TOO MUCH ' will HURT you so much !
The only math I can remember is that …. You + Me = Forever
The whole world is great! That is…until you wake up.
There is something wrong with my phone. Any GIRL call it for me to see if it rings?
Two things only a man cannot hide, that he is drunk and that he is in love.
Warning, it's not safe to talk to me at the moment..