Get we a sharing Best crazy status for whatsapp and craziness quotes. we most insane collection, below is the checklist of 100 Funny Crazy Whatsapp Status in English for you. We Have Collected some finest funny, amusing, humorous, insane, foolish whatsapp and also Facebook statuses for you. Cute & Crazy status is on Facebook. Update your Whats app, Facebook, Twitter With these Crazy Status as well as Show your friends and family. we upload status that will blow your mind. Hope you Like it. You can select any one of the funny insane whatsapp status for your condition bar.
This collection is actually crazy as well as funny, which you can use on any sort of social networking website or application. So, Enjoy it!
This collection is actually crazy as well as funny, which you can use on any sort of social networking website or application. So, Enjoy it!
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Crazy Status
You can never buy Love....But still you have to pay for it ..
Whoever says "Good Morning" on Monday's deserves to get slapped :)
When I'm a Pedestrian I Hate cars.. When I'm Driving I Hate Pedestrians...
Never make eye contact while eating a banana.
My biggest concern in life is actually how my online friends can be informed of my death..!!
Mosquitos are like family. Annoying but they carry your blood.
Life is Short - Chat Fast!
If you are going to speak bad things about me on my back, come to me. I'll tell you more.
If life gives you lemons, just add vodka.
I'm not lazy, I'm on energy saving mode.
I love my job only when I'm on vacation.....
I live in a world of fantasy, so keep your reality away from me!
How can i miss something i never had?
Hey there whatsapp is using me.
Girls, if he only wants your breasts, legs, and thighs. send him to KFC.
Girls use photoshop to look beautiful.. Boys use photoshop to show their creativity.
Fact: Phone on silent mode- 10 Missed call... Turns volume to loud- Nobody calls all day!!
Did anyone else notice the sound if you click the like button on my status?
A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.
Years of education, solving tough problems, handling complex issues, yet we take a while standing before glass doors thinking whether to Push or Pull.
Wrestling is obviously fake. Why would two people fight over a belt when neither of them are wearing pants?
Who needs television when there is so much drama on Facebook.
When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
When I'm on my death bed, I want my final words to be "I left one million dollars in the...
We are WTF generation .... WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook :D
There's like 7 billion people in this world and no one wants to date me. I hate this world ... huh
The only thing I gained so far in THIS YEAR is weight :)
The most powerful words other than I LOVE YOU is "Salary is Credited" :)
TODAY has been cencelled. Go back to BED :)
Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk.
Some people should have multiple Facebook accounts to go along with their multiple personalities.
Save water drink beer.
Running away does not help you with your problems, unless you are fat.
Relationship Status: Looking for a WiFi connection.
People who exercise live longer, but what's the point when those extra years are spent at gym.
People call me mike .. You can call me tonight.. :p
My study period = 15 minutes. My break time = 3 hours.
My father always told me, 'Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
My family says I talk in my sleep but nobody at work has ever mentioned it. lolzThese Are the Best and most used insane Facebook status from our collection. Best Crazy facebook status, Whatsapp status. Amusing, Hilarious and also Crazy Status. Updates For your Status Update Share with your family and friends members by upgrading. I wish you have appreciated our collection and now you can discuss the craziness with your buddies on Facebook and even Whatsapp . So i hope you will be Most Crazy Status Updates like it.