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Accomplishing things before the microwave hits 00:00.Alcohol - Because no good story started with someone eating a salad.
Arizona 99 cent drinks are the shit. Period.
Celery is 95% water and 100% not pizza.
Chips have little nutritional value. That's why you need to eat the whole bag.
Dear Fridge, I will be back in 35 minutes, please go shopping. Sincerely, Hungry as hell!
Dear Pringles, I cannot fit my hand inside your tube of deliciousness.
Dear Vegetarians, If you love animals so much, then why do you keep eating all their food?
Dear food commercials, No one eats in slow motion with their eyes closed. Sincerely, normal people.."ughh I'm so full".."who wants dessert?".."MEEE!!!"
Dear food commercials, No one crazy status motion with their eyes closed. Sincerely, normal people..
Eat like every day is Thanksgiving.
Eating an orange before working out not only keeps you hydrated but also keeps your muscles from getting sore
Eating popcorn: 80% during trailers. 20% during the movie.
Eating popcorn: 80% during trailers. 20% during the movie.
Everything sucks .. .. .. .. .. except FOOD !!!! ¯\_(?)_/¯
Food is my favorite. If I ever share it with you, then you're pretty damn special.
Hell hath no fury like me when I'm slightly inconvenienced and hungry.
Hiding your favorite food from the rest of your family because you're a selfish bitch.
Hockey is more enjoyable if you pretend they're fighting over the world's last Oreo.
I disagree that hunger isn't an emotion. I feel it in my SOUL.
I don't trust people that dislike tacos.
I eat so much... I make fat kids look skinny!
I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.
I just stepped on a cornflake. Now, I am officially a cereal killer.
I need pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING.
I need to hire someone who will follow me around and just knock the unhealthy food out of my hand.
I want a hot body but I also want hot wings.
I will stop eating ice cream out of the container once I make it completely level.
I'm not hungry. But, I am bored. Therefore, I shall eat. Story of every person's life.
I'm not hungry. But, I am bored. Therefore, I shall eat... :D
I'm not hungry. But, I am bored. Therefore, I shall eat... :D
I'm so excited for Valentines Day all the chocolate is gonna be on sale YAY
I'm the type of person who looks at the menu for five minutes but ends up ordering the same exact thing every time.
I'm trying to kick dairy and now I've got the milk shakes.
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